Sports Gallery

Search for Pictures: Four Navigation Options are Available

1. Utilize the CTRL + F function (computer) or the find-on-page function (Android/Apple) to locate your search term on your respective device.
2. Utilize the search bar above to quickly jump to the image description that best matches your search term e.g. prefect, chapel. If the picture you are searching for does not show up the first time, please use the arrow icon on the bottom left of your screen to return to the top of the page and search again.
3. Utilize the website header’s search bar to type in key words for pictures e.g. 2018 high school fun day, prefect installation ceremony. The key words will be highlighted on the page, and you can scroll through to find the image that you are searching for.
4. Utilize the table of contents below to jump to a section of pictures that you are interested in viewing.

Table of Contents



Track and Field


All academic-related images, including competitions, class field trips, and other in-school events, can be found in the Academics Gallery.



Track and Field: